SFA News Daily

The industry's only daily newsletter, reaching the largest audience in the trade.


  • 45,051 subscribers
    *metrics based on 6-month period


  • Marquee Sponsorship
  • Banner advertisements


  • Published every business day
  • Show editions published weekly, six weeks prior to show, daily the week prior to and on all days of the Fancy Food Shows


Materials: .jpg or .png files accepted. Provide link for banner and file 5 days prior to scheduled start. No animated banners allowed.

Send banner file, link and any other instructions via email to mediaorders@specialtyfood.com


  • 320 pixels wide x 50 pixels high

Promoted Product Showcase

Create product interest by placing your product ad in our monthly Product Showcase emails! Each email showcases up to 12 products. One product listing includes your company name, brief product description and a link to your product’s listing within the Product Marketplace. Your message will create brand recognition, build product awareness, and generate leads with industry buyers.

Resource Spotlight Tailored Email

Create brand recognition and product exposure with 30,000 recipients by investing in a custom email and put your company in the spotlight! Your exclusive email message will encourage buyers to review and evaluate your products.

Resource Spotlight Tailored EmailImage Caption


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