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Consumer Prices Up 3.2 Percent

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Consumer prices rose 3.2 percent in February compared to a year earlier, according to the Labor Department’s Consumer Price Index, released today.

The food at home index rose 1 percent over the last 12 months, while the index for other food at home rose 2.3 percent, as did the index for nonalcoholic beverages. 

The cereals and bakery products index was up 1.7 percent over that period, while the index for fruits and vegetables rose 0.8 percent. In comparison, the dairy and related products index fell 1.8 percent and the meats, poultry, fish, and eggs index decreased 0.5 percent. 

The index for food away from home rose 4.5 percent over the last year. 

After rising 0.4 percent in January, the food and food at home indexes remained flat in February versus the prior month.