Witzi's Raw Granola LLC

A mother’s determination is the inspiration behind Witzi’s Raw Granola. When a low sugar, gluten and grain free granola, rich in nutrition wasn’t available for her young son, Amy Witzigreuter, mother, now founder and owner of Witzi’s Raw Granola created it. Witzi’s vegan granolas are 100% plant-based, Certified Keto, Certified Paleo, and Gluten & Grain Free. Our organic ingredients are uniquely prepared by soaking and dehydrating, increasing the bioavailability of nutrients and preserving the essential fatty acids, while delivering a seriously satisfying crunch!
20471 Lake Rd.
Rocky River, Ohio
United States

This business is at least 51% owned, controlled, and actively managed by:

  • Woman/Women


  • Amy Witzigreuter
