2022 Hall of Fame award winner

Ted Dennard

Savannah Bee Company
Hall of Fame

Ted Dennard is founder, president, and head beekeeper of Savannah Bee Company. Dennard introduced his honey to the public in 1999 when his friend opened a store in Savannah, Georgia, and began selling his Tupelo Honey. Savannah Bee Company took flight three years later with the goal of striving to live as bees live: Symbiotically with nature and in a manner that contributes positively to the surrounding world. Dennard, along with Tami Enright, installed an observation hive at Sullivans Island Elementary School in South Carolina, and soon after, The Bee Cause Project launched as a 501(c)(3). It's provided hives for 550 schools in 50 states and 4 countries around the world.