2016 Lifetime Achievement award winner

Joel Schuman

Source Atlantique
Lifetime Achievement

Joel Schuman founded Source Atlantique in 1991 as part of the Food Import Group. With years in the business and strong relationships with European suppliers, he raised the standards of brand development, marketing and salesmanship available to foreign manufacturers. Source Atlantique worked exclusively with Maille Mustard, La Baleine sea salt, If You Care environment friendly kitchen & household products and Modenaceti balsamic vinegar- to name just a few. Under Joel’s leadership, Source Atlantique took ownership of brands that offered great potential, broadening and strengthening the company’s sphere of influence in the specialty food Industry.

Joel was always at home in the international arena. Born in Zurich, he spent the first 18 years in Frankfurt, Brussels and London. He went on to Reed College. After living and working in Germany for a little while, he was asked by a German candy company to develop a business in the U.S.

Joel believed in partnerships. He worked to create mutually invested business plans with the brands he agreed to represent and grow. Initially, there was push back from suppliers, who expected to call the shots and protect their equity. Joel taught that the most successful and sustainable strategy is one of true partnership where all parties are engaged and invested. Joel‘s business acumen and his passion for specialty foods products contributed to the overall growth of the specialty food Industry. He brought new brands to the U.S. and increased the demand for unique and high quality food products.