Seka Hills

TRIBAL PRODUCTS FROM CAPAY VALLEY For thousands of years, our people have lived in the oak forests, rolling hills and grasslands of Northern California’s Capay Valley, tending the natural resources and the land that is home to our culture, history and traditions. Our Tribe is known as the Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, meaning “Home by the Spring Water,” in our native Patwin language. We are proud to share the bounty of the Capay Valley through our estate extra virgin olive oils, estategrown varietal wines and wildflower honey. Our Séka Hills products have been named in our Patwin language for the rolling blue hills of our homeland.
PO BOX 182
Brooks, California
United States

This business is at least 51% owned, controlled, and actively managed by:

  • Minority/Minorities: Native American or Alaskan Native


  • Alison Robinson

    Business Manager
  • Kirsten Van Peursem

    Sales and Marketing Manager