Deliziosi LLC
Deliziosi LLC est. in 2013 is the Florida Based Branch of Italian Company. Our parent company est. in 1999 based in Sardinia, Italy produces and sells all varietes of Pecorino Romano dop, Ricotta Salata and several others well aged sheeps and goats specialty cheeses from our island, one of the only five longevity blue zones in the whole world.
We also import from Sardinia other very artisanal products: Pansardo Savory Bread Chips, and Taralli Crispy Crackers in One Bite.
We feel we are therefore the perfect provider of authentic Sardinian Bakery and Pecorino Cheeses and Caprino buying from Deliziosi an importer that is also a Branch Company of an Exporter. We act and react as an international company feeling given that the SouthEastern United States is becoming more and more like Second Home.
All the products are authentically made in Italy. Food safety and tracking are very strong developed. Our mother company Reparo srl is IFS Broker certified by third part auditor DNV GL. Plants and warehouses in Italy are FDA registered as well the two warehouses the one company owned in SouthFortMyers (local) and the one managed by FloridaFreezer, where FOB Sales are ready for pickups in NorthFortMyers. We are strongly involved in developing natural foods, some of them are GMO certified, palm oil free, with multicereal, khorasan grain, "arso" grain, organic grain. All products are cholesterol free, transaf free. We are planning to extend our lines to some gluten free items.
salvador cocco
Manager -
Jarett Golden