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Canada Mandates Nutrition Symbol

Specialty Food Association

In an effort to give Canadians clear and easy access to information on foods found in grocery stores, the government of Canada recently debuted a new front of label nutrition symbol that will help Canadians identify foods high in saturated fat, sugars, and/or sodium.

The label regulations for packaged foods are designed to help Canadians make informed food choices and will complement the Nutrition Facts table displayed on the back of packaged foods. Manufacturers will have until January 1, 2026 to change their labels and comply with the new mandate.

Organizations like the World Health Organization have recognized front-of-package labeling as an effective tool to enable consumers to make informed choices, helping them to choose foods lower in specific components.

"We want all Canadians to have the information they need to make healthy food choices. In the coming years, the symbol will make it easier for you and your family to make informed choices. This simple, yet effective nutrition symbol will promote healthy eating for all Canadians," said the honorable Jean-Yves Duclos, minister of health, in a statement.

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