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THE ROAD TO UNCLE KEITH'S - Celebrating 7 years in business

Specialty Food Association

It all started with a seed. In 2010, Keith grew his first chili pepper plant called a Black Cobra. It was fun learning how to grow a beautiful plant and cultivate it. The fruit output was more than he culd handle so he started giving them away. As he gave away the black pods it received positive feedback on the taste and heat, and he thought to himself “I need to grow more the next year.”

In the fall of 2013, Keith made a hot sauce that he named Sweet Heat from a mixture of his 2013 harvest. It was an instant hit. My Pastor and friends told me that we should sell it, but we didn’t really have the drive to do that. Keith just wanted to have people like the sauce. In Keith's profession, he works for a company that causes him to travel to Europe, Taiwan, and Korea. He would take some to those locations and give to his coworkers as gifts. They too told him it was good, and he should sell it. Keith also made some jellies that year for the holidays that were also a hit.

In March of 2015, an opportunity presented itself to where we had an opportunity to open our own small shop at Pangaea Outpost in Pacific Beach. After much prayer and consultation with our Pastor and business advisers we decided to open on Memorial Day weekend. We named the store Uncle Keith’s because of the strong ties that I have with many children in my church. My best friend’s daughter said I am like an uncle to many of the kids, so why not name the company that. I liked it and it stuck.

Our first (Made in California) Chocolate Thunder Hot Sauce was introduced to the market in June 2020. We look forward to expanding the brand and bringing more pepper products to market.

About Uncle Keith’s Gourmet Foods

A growing Hot Sauce company located in San Diego, California.

A husband-and-wife family-owned business. They have come together and formed a wonderful partnership and are sharing their passion with the world. Keith is a retired Navy Chief and Crystal is an Air Force Veteran.

We realize that the tools and training we received from serving in the Military have contributed to our Business Success. We make it a point to invest in the lives of others. We live by the motto that no one is in Business for himself or herself. Proceeds from our business supports local nonprofits.

Join us in this incredible journey... and while you are there “Enjoy the Sauce.”